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300 sayings of the Ascetics of the Orthodox Church (300 слов мудрости на английском языке)

300 sayings of the Ascetics of the Orthodox Church (300 слов мудрости на английском языке)
300 sayings of the Ascetics of the Orthodox Church (300 слов мудрости на английском языке)
Наличие: 8 шт.
70 руб. / шт.
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Артикул 01-14362
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300 sayings of the Ascetics of the Orthodox Church (300 слов мудрости на английском языке)
300 sayings of the Ascetics of the Orthodox Church (300 слов мудрости на английском языке)
Наличие: 8 шт.
70 руб. / шт.
In this book over three hundred sayings of Orthodox saints from twelve different countries are collected. Their words express spiritual experience tested by the ages. Their words contain many answers about what happens with us and those near to us. The saints show that divine righteousness is joined to our everyday life. This righteousness of God has transfigured millions of people around the world, and brought many of them to holiness and perfection.

Год издания 2012
Страниц 80
Издательство (Производство) Православное Миссионерское Общество имени прп. Серапиона Кожеезерского
Формат 122х175 мм
Артикул 01-14362
Бумага Офсетная
Переплет Мягкий